December 24th, 2010 @

Not many Italians speak English, although when i went to Rome I found asking directions from older school children was best as their English was very good having learnt in school.

Most of the tourist areas as in airports, cafes, they will speak some english, but of course, the joy of being in a foreign country is joining in with the lingo. e.g. ‘prego’ (meaning pleasure, you’re welcome, don’t mention it) is said alot when a drink or meal is given to you and  ’Grazie’ (which means thanks).

It is also good to learn numbers even 1-5 is a start, as if you ask for ice cream it helps.

Useful greeting words:-

Ciao – bye/hi

si – ye

no – no

Buongiorno – good day

Buronasera – good afternoon/evening

Arrivederci – goodbye

Per favore – please

Scusi – excuse me

Dove il bagno? – where is the toilet

Numbers 1-10

1. uno (oono)

2. due (do-ay)

3. tre (tray)

4. quattro (kwat-tro)

5. cinque (cheen-kway)

6. sei (say)

7. sette (set-tay)

8. otto (ot-to)

9. nove (no-vay)

10. dieci (dee-ay-chee)

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